Player Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
"F" Player Index
Starts with "F" Career Batting Register and Career Pitching Register
Bold indicates a Hall of Famer.
Fabela, David 2003-2010
Fabiano, Osvaldo 2000-2002
Fagan, Donn 2006-2017
Fairclough, Chas 2015-2015
Fairfax, Gregory 2012-2021
Faith, David 2012-2023
Falcon, Anthony 2000-2008
Farmer, Timothy 2003-2004
Farren, Alvin 2009-2009
Farrer, Matthew 2003-2016
Fasano, Jack 2000-2005
Fauada, Tavio 2023-2028
Faulk, John 2000-2000
Faust, Colin 2023-2029
Federith, Chris 2019-2029
Fehr, Dan 2018-2022
Feinstein, Stephen 2028-2029
Fell, Cliff 2021-2028
Feller, Waite 2010-2021
Fender, Eric 2020-2029
Fenton, Paul 2000-2005
Fergerson, Seth 2005-2013
Ferrante, Christopher 2003-2018
Ferrara, Damon 2001-2003
Ferrara, Marcos 2019-2029
Ferrel, Rey 2017-2019
Ferrer, Roy 2013-2029
Ferrin, Lee 2000-2001
Festa, Ray 2001-2016
Fetters, Oscar 2000-2012
Fetty, Terry 2004-2015
Fetty Jr., Terry 2017-2029
Fick, Donald 2000-2004
Fick, Jason 2014-2021
Fields Jr, Martin 2010-2014
Fierros, Juan 2028-2029
Figuera, Constantino 2017-2029
Figueroa, Vincenzo 2000-2007
Fimenez, Carlos 2016-2029
Finck, Matthew 2000-2010
Findlater, Robert 2014-2024
Findler, Mack 2015-2025
Fink, Dick 2000-2008
Fiorillo, Bill 2000-2003
Fiqueroa, Jackie 2007-2007
Fitzgibbons, Terrence 2000-2006
Fitzhugh, Oscar 2000-2010
Flavin, Brad 2014-2029
Fleming, Mikel 2014-2028
Fletcher, Beau 2000-2011
Fleury, John 2006-2017
Flores, Jose 2025-2029
Flores, Joseph 2019-2029
Flores, Tate 2026-2026
Flowers, Andrew 2027-2028
Flowers, Nick 2000-2004
Floyd, Leroy 2000-2003
Foland, Cyril 2003-2013
Foltz, Timothy 2000-2002
Fons, Carmelo 2005-2021
Font, Alfonso 2015-2029
Font, Cipri 2012-2022
Font, Jimmy 2010-2027
Forcier, Kirk 2028-2028
Ford, Jim 2011-2019
Ford, Robert 2000-2010
Forman, Fletcher 2000-2003
Fortier, Timothy 2013-2022
Forwood, Robert 2010-2022
Fossil, Austin 2021-2029
Foster, Delbert 2000-2003
Fowler, Bill 2000-2000
Fowler, Ralph 2008-2019
Fox, Almande 2017-2022
Fox, Joseph 2027-2029
Fox, Lamar 2012-2022
Fox, Warren 2008-2022
Foxwell, Jeffrey 2014-2027
Foxworth, Gene 2001-2012
Fragoso, Xever 2028-2029
Francis, Christopher 2008-2020
Francisco, Daniel 2022-2023
Francisco, Leon 2005-2005
Francois, Carmelo 2002-2014
Franklin, Connie 2020-2029
Franklin, Willie 2000-2004
Franks, Ben 2027-2028
Franz, Warren 2021-2023
Frau, Carlos 2013-2013
Frazier, Joshua 2022-2025
Freebie, Reed 2013-2017
Freedman, Brendan 2017-2029
Freeland, T.J. 2017-2029
Freels, David 2005-2016
Freitag, Kenneth 2000-2010
Fresquez, Osvaldo 2027-2029
Fret, Antonio 2022-2029
Frew, Scott 2029-2029
Frey, Anthony 2000-2007
Frink, Bruce 2001-2005
Fritts, Loogey 2026-2029
Fritz, Gary 2022-2022
Frost, Daniel 2010-2010
Frutos, Alfredo 2021-2021
Frye, William 2000-2002
Fula, Chico 2021-2029
Fulgham, Ben 2018-2023
Fulk, Daniel 2000-2009
Fullen, Jim 2018-2029
Fulmer, Jake 2022-2029
Funchess, Fred 2000-2012
Fuquay, Michael 2000-2003
Furguson, Gary 2000-2001
Fusco, Leon 2000-2005
Fuselier, John 2018-2019
Fuson, Chad 2016-2020
Fyffe, Edward 2016-2019